
Revision as of 18:52, 28 March 2019 by Pcoombe (talk | contribs) (add new message for Please select an email option)
lang Question No Yes Smallprint Please select Prompt on selecting No Prompt on switching to Yes
Can we stay in touch?
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Yes. Send me emails with ways that I can support Wikipedia.
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No. Don't send me an occasional email with opportunities to support Wikipedia.
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The Wikimedia Foundation will send you email updates and tell you if Wikipedia needs your support or advice in the future. Your information is handled in accordance with our donor privacy policy. Each email you receive will include easy unsubscribe options.

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Please select an email option
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Sorry to hear that. We don't email often; would you consider changing your mind?
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Thanks for changing your mind! We'll respect your inbox.
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/it Possiamo rimanere in contatto?
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Sì. Inviatemi delle e-mail per conoscere i modi in cui posso sostenere Wikipedia.
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No. Non inviatemi e-mail occasionali con le opportunità di sostegno a Wikipedia.
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La Wikimedia Foundation ti manderà delle e-mail di aggiornamento per farti sapere se Wikipedia ha bisogno del tuo sostegno in futuro. I tuoi dati verranno gestiti come previsto dalla nostra informativa sulla privacy del donatore. In ogni e-mail che riceverai troverai sempre l’opzione per annullare facilmente la tua iscrizione.

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Seleziona un'opzione email
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È un vero peccato. Non inviamo e-mail frequentemente; prenderesti in considerazione la possibilità di cambiare idea?
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Grazie per aver cambiato idea. Tratteremo con rispetto la tua casella di posta.
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/sv Får vi hålla kontakten?
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Ja. Skicka mig mejl som berättar hur jag kan stödja Wikipedia.
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Nej. Jag avböjer de enstaka mejl som berättar hur jag kan stödja Wikipedia.
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Vi kommer att skicka uppdateringar via mejl om Wikimedia Foundation behöver stöd eller råd från dig i framtiden. Dina uppgifter hanteras i enlighet med vår sekretesspolicy för donatorer. Varje mejl du får kommer att innehålla enkla alternativ för att avsluta prenumerationen.

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Vänligen välj ett e-postalternativ
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Det var tråkigt. Vi mejlar inte ofta, så vill du ändra dig?
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Tack, det uppskattar vi! Vi kommer inte att överösa din inkorg.
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/nl Zullen we in contact blijven?
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Ja, de Wikimedia Foundation mag me af en toe een e-mail sturen
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Nee, ik ben niet van plan in de toekomst te helpen
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De Wikimedia Foundation zal je e-mailupdates sturen en je laten weten wanneer Wikipedia je steun of advies weer nodig heeft. Je gegevens worden behandeld in overeenstemming met ons privacybeleid voor donateurs. Elke e-mail die we sturen, bevat eenvoudige instructies om je uit te schrijven.

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Selecteer een e-mailoptie.
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Jammer! We e-mailen niet vaak. Je kunt nog van gedachten veranderen.
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Fijn dat je van gedachten bent veranderd! We zullen je inbox respecteren.
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/es ¿Podemos seguir en contacto?
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Sí; podéis enviarme correos electrónicos ocasionalmente con sugerencias sobre cómo puedo apoyar a Wikipedia.
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No; no quiero recibir correos con sugerencias sobre cómo puedo apoyar a Wikipedia.
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Wikimedia Foundation te enviará novedades por correo electrónico y te informará si Wikipedia necesita tu apoyo o consejos en el futuro. El tratamiento de tus datos se lleva a cabo de conformidad con nuestra política de privacidad de donantes. Todos los correos electrónicos que recibas incluirán opciones para darte de baja fácilmente.

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Selecciona una opción de correo electrónico.
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¡Qué pena! No escribimos con frecuencia; ¿seguro que no quieres cambiar de opinión?
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¡Gracias por cambiar de opinión! Respetaremos tu bandeja de entrada.
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