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{{Support Page WMF redesign|title={{MediaWiki:donate_interface-otherways-short/{{Pagelang}}}}}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:{{{header|Thank You}}}}}
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{{Ways to Give/CountrySelect}}
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Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.<br>
1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600<br>
San Francisco, CA 94104<br>
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#ffdad9 red soft Used in bg gradient
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<p style="margin-left: 1.6em;">Email:</p>
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<h2 id="daf">{{{daf-title|Donor Advised Funds}}}</h2>
.ty-page h1,
{{{daf-text1|Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) allow you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your preferred causes. If you’d like to recommend a grant to the Wikimedia Foundation directly from your DAF, please see the links below:}}}
.ty-page h2,
* [ DAF Direct] (Fidelity Charitable, Greater Kansas City CF, Schwab Charitable)
.ty-page h3,
* [ Vanguard]
.ty-page h4,
* [ American Endowment]
.ty-page h5,
* [ Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund]
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* [ Silicon Valley Community Foundation]
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* [ New York Community Trust]
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* [ T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving]
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* [ Franklin Templeton Charitable Giving Fund]
{{{daf-text2|Please contact us at [] if you have questions or if your DAF of choice is not listed.}}}
<h2 id="amazon">{{{amazon-title|Amazon Pay}}}</h2>
/* Grid
{{{amazon-text|You can [ make a donation in U.S. Dollars through Amazon Pay], please select an amount and choose "Amazon Pay". If you are donating via Amazon in a currency other than U.S. Dollars, please be aware that your funding source may be rejected or that you may experience extra charges associated with converting a charge into another currency. We encourage you to contact your bank for more information.}}}
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<h2 id="bitcoin">{{{bitcoin-title|Bitcoin}}}</h2>
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<!--{{{bitcoin-disabled|As of late April 2018, our Bitcoin processor has deprecated their services, and we are searching for alternatives. We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to have the Bitcoin option available again soon.}}}-->
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{{{bitcoin-disclaimer|Please note that the Wikimedia Foundation can only refund Bitcoin donations in Bitcoin. Because we do not store Bitcoins, refunds will be calculated based on the U.S. Dollar amount we received via instant exchange at the time of the donation, using our payment processor's Bitcoin sell rate when the refund is issued. Network and miner fees cannot be refunded. The Wikimedia Foundation is not responsible for any change in value based on fluctuating exchange rates.}}}
<div class="sp-muted">
{{{bitcoin-questions|For questions, please contact [].}}}
{{Support Page end}}
[[Category:Ways to Give]]
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