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The template that
===Form-countryspecific-control example===
This is example code from [[Template:2011FR/Form-countryspecific-control/AU]].
The following CSS is used to enable or disable payment methods for each country by commenting out either the "display: 'status';"(on) or the "display: none;"(off).
<style type="text/css">
display: </html>{{CC-status}}<html>;
/*display: none;*/
/*display: </html>{{RT-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
/*display: </html>{{RT-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
/*display: </html>{{RT-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
/*display: </html>{{DD-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
display: </html>{{PP-status}}<html>;
/*display: none;*/
/*display: </html>{{PP-status}}<html> !important;*/
display: none;
/*display: </html>{{PP-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
/*display: </html>{{YD-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
/*display: </html>{{MB-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
/*display: </html>{{BP-status}}<html>;*/
display: none;
display: </html>{{BT-status}}<html>;
/*display: none;*/
display: </html>{{Bpay-status}}<html>;
/*display: none;*/
| uselang = {{{uselang}}}
| country = {{{country}}}
| currency = {{2011FR/core-currency-code|{{{country}}}}}
| handler = GC
| appeal = {{{appeal}}}
| GC-CC-ffname = cc-vmaj
| country = {{{country}}}
| uselang = {{{uselang}}}
| currency = {{2011FR/core-currency-code|{{{country}}}}}
| donate-amount-0 = 5
| donate-amount-1 = 10
| donate-amount-2 = 20
| donate-amount-3 = 25
| donate-amount-4 = 50
| donate-amount-5 = 100
| donate-amount-6 = 250
==Helper Templates==