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ILo gothabeva amulte lotreguardos ofestranie funnydece looksannos tenretro yearsquando agoio whencomenciava I starteda talkingparlar toal peoplepersonas aboutsuper Wikipedia.
Nos pote dicer que alicun del personas de negotios esseva sceptic del notion que voluntarios de tote le mundo poteva venir insimul a crear un compendio remarcabile de cognoscimento human – totes pro le simple proposito de compartir.
Let’s just say some people were skeptical of the notion that volunteers from all across the world could come together to create a remarkable pool of human knowledge – all for the simple purpose of sharing.
Sin annuncios. Sin lucro. Sin agenda.
No ads. No agenda. No strings attached.
AUn decade afterdepost itssu foundingfundation, nearlyplus 400que million380 peoplemilliones usede Wikipediapersonas andusa itsWikipedia sistercata sitesmense every monthquasi -un almosttertie adel thirdmundo ofconnectite thea Internet-connected world.
Illo es le quinte sito web plus popular in le mundo. Le altere quatro ha essite construite e mantenite con milliardos de dollares de investimento, gruppos corporative gigantesc e marketing incessante.
It is the 5th most popular website in the world - but Wikipedia isn’t anything like a commercial website. It is a community creation, written by volunteers making one entry at a time. You are part of our community. And I’m writing today to ask you to protect and sustain Wikipedia.
Sed, Wikipedia non es como un sito commercial. Illo es un creation del communitate, scribite per voluntarios que face un entrata per vice. Tu es parte de nostre communitate. E io scribe hodie per peter te proteger e sustener Wikipedia.
Together, we can keep it free of charge and free of advertising. We can keep it open – you can use the information in Wikipedia any way you want. We can keep it growing – spreading knowledge everywhere, and inviting participation from everyone.
Insimul, nos pote preservar lo libere de cargo e libere de publicitate. Nos pote preservar lo aperte – tu pote usar le information in Wikipedia in omne modo tu vole. Nos pote preservar lo in crescimento – propagar le cognoscimento ubique, e invitar al participation de totes.
Each year at this time, we reach out to ask you and others all across the Wikimedia community to help sustain our joint enterprise with a modest donation of $20, $35, $50 or more.
Cata anno in iste momento, nos pete a te e a altere personas de tote le communitate de Wikipedia adjutar a sustener nostre interprisa juncte con un modeste donation de 20 USD, 35 USD, 50 USD o plus.
If you value Wikipedia as a source of information – and a source of inspiration – I hope you’ll choose to act right now.
IfSi youtu valuevaluta Wikipedia ascomo aun sourcefonte ofde information – ande aun sourcefonte ofde inspiration – Iio hopespera you’llque choosetu tova actseliger rightager nowjusto ora.
All the best,
Omne le melior,
'''Jimmy Wales'''
FounderFundator, Wikipedia
P.S. Wikipedia ismonstra aboutle thepoter powerdel ofpersonas peoplecomo likenos uspro tofacer docosas extraordinary thingsextraordinari. PeoplePersonas likecomo usnos writescribe Wikipedia, oneun wordparola atper a timevice. PeoplePersonas likecomo usnos fundlo itfinancia, oneun donation atper a timevice. It'sIllo proofes ofproba ourde collectivenostre potential tocollective de changecambiar thele worldmundo.