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* '''世界中の「無償の知識」を守り抜く''' - ウィキメディア財団の方針と法的努力は、すべての人の権利(知識にアクセスし、共有し、創造する)を確かなものにします。同時に、ボランティア編集者を報復の脅威から守り、表現の自由とオープンナレッジに対する私たちのコミットメントを維持します。私たちは、フリーライセンスとオープンソースのソフトウェアを提唱し、人々がより広く知識を利用・共有できるように、著作権法の整備と改正を進めます。また、検閲に反対し、すべての人の学びと発言の自由を守ります。この活動を支えることは、世界中の人々がウィキメディアのプロジェクトに平等にアクセスできるようにするために不可欠です。
== ウィキメディア財団にはかなりの蓄えがあるにもかかわらず、募金メッセージは切迫しています。さらに資金が必要なのはなぜですか。 ==
== Wikipedia’s fundraising requests seem urgent, despite the Wikimedia Foundation’s sizable reserve. Why do you need additional funding? ==
We are fortunate to have a reserve. These are not funds that we use on a day-to-day basis; they can only be accessed in exceptional circumstances, such as an economic crisis. Wikipedia and its projects are critical resources that the world relies on daily. Our reserve funds are intended to ensure that we can remain sustainable even if the worst eventuality occurs. Our operating budget and annual plan are developed through an open, transparent process, subject to feedback from Wikipedia volunteers and Board approval. The details of our budget and plan are always available to the public for further review.
== 運営費に含まれるスタッフの報酬は、どのように決まりますか。 ==
== Staff compensation is part of your operating costs. Can you explain how this is determined? ==
Altogether more than 250 people work on engineering and product at the Wikimedia Foundation, handling technology infrastructure for more than 20 billion monthly pageviews. Compared to most major websites, we do a lot with a little. Additionally, approximately 100 staff work on our community support and grantmaking; partnerships with global organizations to make knowledge more freely available; and legal and policy work that helps advocate for copyright reform, prevent censorship and uphold free expression, and ensure that privacy and security policies in countries everywhere protect our readers and editors.
We know that salaries vary across the world and we hire in very competitive markets. At the same time, we are a non-profit. As such, we make an effort to be fair, adjusting for inflation and income inequality, while providing equitable compensation to all.
== How can I donate? ==