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extra documentation about TY pages
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==Thank You pages==
As of AprilAugust 2020 the English Thank You pagepages useshave {{tl|Thankmoved Youto 2019}} and other languages use {{tl|Thank You 2018}} BothSee usethat thelink javascriptfor at [[MediaWiki:ThankYouPage.js]]documentation.
The TY pages have some conditional logic in the javascript. URL parameters <code>country</code>, <code>payment_method</code>, and <code>recurringConversion</code> may be passed which change the display. Examples:
;English page in the US
:Primary CTA = Matching Gifts, Secondary CTAs = Survey, Store, Endowment
;English page in Canada
:Primary CTA = Survey, Secondary CTA = Store
;English page in another country
:Primary CTA = Survey, No secondary CTAs
;English page in US, bitcoin payment
:Extra message about receipt time
;French page in France
;French page in Canada
:Includes Store CTA