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{{soft redirect|wmf:Donor privacy policy}}
'''Donor Policy'''
From the Wikimedia Foundation
The content of this page is an official policy approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of
Trustees. This policy may not be circumvented, eroded, or ignored on local Wikimedia projects.
==Donor Bill of Rights==
We support the Donor Bill of Rights.
Philanthropy is based on voluntary action for the common good. It is a tradition of giving and
sharing that is primary to the quality of life. To assure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust
of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the not-
for-profit organizations and causes they are asked to support, we declare that all donors have these
# To be informed of the organization's mission, of the way the organization intends to use donated resources, and of its capacity to use donations effectively for their intended purposes.
# To be informed of the identity of those serving on the organization's governing board, and to expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
# To have access to the organization's most recent financial statements.
# To be assured their gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
# To receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
# To be assured that information about their donations is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
# To expect that all relationships with individuals representing organizations of interest to the donor will be professional in nature.
# To be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organization or hired solicitors.
# To have the opportunity for their names to be deleted from mailing lists that an organization may intend to share.
# To feel free to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
The text of this statement in its entirety was developed by the Association of Fundraising
Professionals (AFP), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), Council for Advancement and
Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits.
==The Wikimedia Donor Privacy Policy==
The content of this page is an official policy approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of
Trustees. Wikimedia maintains the highest level of respect for the privacy of its donors. In
furtherance of our commitment to honor your rights, we have developed this Donor Privacy Policy
to guide our staff and volunteers on how they may and may not use your personal information.
===What information we collect===
''Wikimedia.'' We use personal information collected from donors for the purposes of processing
payments and communicating with donors about Wikimedia as well as conducting the fundraising
and other operations of Wikimedia. This information may include name, amount donated, address,
telephone number, donor comments, e-mail address, and any other personal information provided to
us (“Donor Data”). For donations by check, Donor Data also includes the data visible on the check.
As part of providing an online experience expected by our donors, we may store various data that
are collected as part of standard web operations (including things like user agent strings, ip
addresses, referrer strings, and cookies). We may use this data for purposes described in this policy,
including analytical needs and improved functionality of our website. We make limited use of
cookies, including third party cookies (such as cookies from payment processors), to track sessions,
help store data, and fulfill the purposes set out in this policy. You can prevent or delete our cookies
by adapting your browser settings, although this will likely affect the functionality of the website.
''Payment Processors and Other Service Providers.'' Payment processors allow donors to give
electronically using a payment services account, a credit card, or other payment method. These
processors collect certain information from donors, and you should consult their privacy policies to
determine their practices.
To provide donors the best possible experience, we work with service providers and may share
Donor Data and other information with, or have it transmitted through, them. Such service
providers include, for example, collocation facilities and bandwidth providers as well as
organizations that help non-profit organizations with fundraising.
===How we use that information===
''Donor Data.'' Donor Data may be used for these kinds of purposes:
* Distributing receipts and thanking donors for donations
* Informing donors about upcoming fundraising and other activities of Wikimedia
* Internal analysis, such as research and analytics
* Record keeping
* Reporting to applicable government agencies as required by law
* Surveys, metrics, and other analytical purposes
* Other purposes related to the fundraising operations
Unless otherwise stated, we do not publish, sell, trade, or rent Donor Data. Anonymized donor
information may be used for promotional and fundraising activities. Comments that are provided by
donors may be publicly published and may be used in promotional materials. We may use available
information to supplement the Donor Data to improve the information we use to drive our
fundraising efforts. We may allow donors the option to have their name publicly associated with
their donation unless otherwise requested as part of the online donation process.
We use data gathered for payment processors and other service providers only for the purposes
described in this policy.
===Financial information===
It is our internal policy to limit access to financial information to professional staff and volunteers
who need to process that information for the purposes described above. Personal financial
information is not sold to or traded with other parties.
We use partners to provide online payment processing services. Usually, the privacy policies of
these organizations will be presented to you on their respective websites and typically also as part of
your donation process. If you pay by credit card, we do not store your credit card information, bank
account numbers, or other financial account data sent directly to those processing services.
Donations to Wikimedia made by check go to a bank lockbox. This provides a particularly high
level of security and confidentiality.
===Contact us===
If you have questions about this Donor Privacy Policy or requests about the status and correctness
of your donor data, please email donate <at> or write to:
::Wikimedia Foundation Inc.
::149 New Montgomery Street, 3rd Floor
::San Francisco, CA 94105
If you want to make a donation by check, please send the check to:
::Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
::P.O. Box 894879
::Los Angeles, CA 90189-4879
We are committed to protecting donor personal information from unauthorized access, alteration,
disclosure, or destruction. Among other things, we undertake a range of security practices, including
measures to help secure web access to sensitive data and undertake efforts to address security
vulnerabilities for various tools and databases.
===Other Disclosures===
We may disclose information when required by law; when needed to protect our rights, privacy,
safety, property, donors, or users; and when necessary to enforce our terms of service.
We may change the Donor Privacy Policy from time to time. Any and all changes will be reflected
on this page. Substantive changes may also be announced through the standard mechanisms by
which we communicate with our users and community. You should periodically check this page for
any changes to the current policy.
===Data Destination===
Wikimedia is a worldwide organization. By donating, you consent to the transfer of the collected
information to the United States and other places as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and
objectives set out in this policy.
===Data Retention===
We seek to retain donor-related information only as needed to fulfill the purposes described in this
policy unless a longer retention period is required by law or regulations. For example, tax laws in
the United States and the State of Florida may require the Foundation to keep contact information
and contribution level of donors on file.
You have certain rights with respect to the information we collect about you. Upon request, we will
tell you what information we hold about you and correct any incorrect information. We will also
make reasonable efforts to delete your information if you ask us to do so, unless we are otherwise
required to keep it.
This particular policy applies to the entity that is posting it. If you visit the Wikimedia donation
page from a location that has a Chapter, you might be – though not necessarily -- redirected to that
Chapter’s website. Chapters are independent and may post different policies and practices
depending on local law requirements and other considerations. Chapters who participate in the
fundraising, however, are expected to adhere to the general principles set out in this policy.
This policy does not address data from sources other than donations, such as edits or content
contributions to projects or features.
::''Last Updated September, 2011''
::''Prior Policy (July 2011) (for reference)''
::''Prior Policy (2009) (for reference)''