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<h2 class="ty-header-title">
</html>Donation Badges FAQ<html>
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<table width="100%" align="center">
<td width="25%">
<img class="ty-badge" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/donate/1/1c/BronzeBadge.png" alt="Bronze badge" title="Bronze badge">
<figcaption class="ty-description">
Donated once
<td width="25%">
<img class="ty-badge" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/donate/7/70/SilverBadge.png" alt="Silver badge" title="Silver badge">
<figcaption class="ty-description">
Donated twice
<td width="25%"> <figure>
<img class="ty-badge" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/donate/6/64/GoldBadge.png" alt="Gold badge" title="Gold badge">
<figcaption class="ty-description">
Donated 3 times
<td width="25%"><figure>
<img class="ty-badge" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/donate/2/25/PlatinumBadge.png" alt="Platinum badge" title="Platinum badge">
<figcaption class="ty-description">
Donated 4 or more times
<section class="ty-section ty-primary">
<div class="ty-area ty-share">
<h3 class="ty-description">
</html>'''Frequently Asked Questions'''<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>'''Q: What are badges?'''<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>Our fundraising team came up with the badges as a fun way of recognizing loyal donors’ continued support. They were just our light-hearted way of thanking you! If you would like to save the badges, you can right-click on them and save them to your device. We go by the honor system and trust our donors will get the ones applicable to them.<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>'''Q: Where do I get my badges?'''<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>Usually when you donate, you'll see which badges you have in one of our annual fundraising emails! If you've donated and don't see your badges, feel free to grab them from this page directly. You can simply right-click on them and save them to your device.<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>'''Q: Which badge do I get?'''<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>We go by the honor system and trust our donors will get the ones applicable to them. If you've donated once, you can download the bronze badge. If you've donated twice, you can download the bronze and the silver badges. Three donations mean you can download the bronze, silver, and gold badges. If you've donated four or more times, all four badges can be downloaded!<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>'''Q: How do I use the badges?'''<html>
<p class="ty-description">
</html>You may use them however you'd like! Some suggestions are to add them to your email signatures, or you can print them out and use them like stickers, or share them on your social media pages! We love seeing the love donors have for Wikipedia and this is a fun way to share that love with their community.<html>
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<p></html>Have any other questions? Please reach out to [http://mailto:donate@wikimedia.org donate@wikimedia.org].<html></p>
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